Friday, February 3, 2012

Let Me Grab My Soapbox - Part 2

Several weeks ago another Facebook friend - I'm starting to see a trend here - posted a video link from Focus on the Family and said she "love[s] what this organization is doing" which prompted me to post a comment leading to a slightly heated exchange:

Jim Shue:   That is a great message. However what is left out is FotF constant attacks on the LGBT community and their insistence that gay parents are somehow harming their children. He talks about the strength of marriage, yet his organization wants to deny basic marriage rights to people like me and my partner who have been together for over 11 years. 
Sunday at 11:01am  

Facebook Friend:   They are acting on their convictions, as are you. We could talk about this endlessly. Here is what I KNOW. God loves you and your partner and your daughter, and me and my husband and everyone who has ever walked the planet, in spite of the fact that we all have earned his judgement in an endless number of ways. What He wants is to be in relationship with us, and the greatest prize for all of us is to know HIM.
Sunday at 1:49pm ·

Jim Shue:   The difference is that they are trying to impose their convictions through legislation - which is a completely different agenda than speaking of a God who loves all. Hate and intolerance (mis)spoken in His words are Orwellian newspeak. Hitler almost destroyed most of Europe acting on his convictions. 
Sunday at 2:19pm ·

Facebook Friend:  Are you really trying to draw a parallel between a group of Christians working to preserve something they hold dear through the process of law, and Hitler, who worked to destroy millions of lives through systematic genocide? Every law ever made is the imposition of conviction upon the citizenry. We live in a country where we ALL have the right to participate in that process. That's what a democracy is. So, isn't it "Orwellian newspeak" to call differing convictions "hate and intolerance"? 
Sunday at 3:04pm ·

Jim Shue:   I'm not calling different convictions hate and intolerance. I'm saying they promote hate and intolerance. That is the difference. You can be Christian without making others conform to a narrowly defined societal construct. And I think the parallel between this group and Hitler is a valid one as Hitler came into power by slowly stripping the citizens deemed as a danger to the vision of a new Germany of their rights. And aren't we as a democracy also to protect the rights of the minorities? 

These groups can still preserve what they hold dear without legislating their convictions upon the rest of the country - no one is telling them they can't. That is the difference. 
Sunday at 3:28pm 

On the website for Focus on the Family is an essay where the founder states: "Moms and Dads, are you listening? This movement is the greatest threat to your children. It is of particular danger to your wide-eyed boys, who have no idea what demoralization is planned for them." A separate article claims that "the homosexual agenda is a beast. It wants our kids." I was going to make a joke about how I missed my quota for last month but this is no joking matter. To equate being gay with pedophilia is just unconscionable and a complete fabrication. Their group is instilling and counting on fear to promote their political agenda. Yes, political agenda. If they truly believe that their cause is of a religious nature then they will keep it out of the political arena.

I've thought about this and other recent political events over the past few weeks and here is what is really causing a slow burn with me. The underlying message from these groups and a few of these Facebook friends is that I do not know God and that I'm not a Christian. Really? You know me that well and know what is in my heart? You are that tight with God that you know how I will be judged by him? I really don't have a rebuttal for you because your convictions will have you believe nothing else.

Let me remind you of another group, one started in this country that also has strong religious convictions, the KKK. Sadly in the 1920's Indiana was the group's central command and vestiges of their legacy are still apparent. You want to speak of strong convictions and only doing what they think was right? Then remember this group in particular and values they promote: "There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers."
National Director of The Knights, Pastor Thomas Robb. 

This quote is taken directly from the group's home page. Segregation as a way of life? How far we've come and still these groups want to stay rooted in a sepia tinted past. Still want to speak of a group's convictions and doing what they think is right? What about the KKK wars against African Americans, Jewish people, and gay people that have been going on for close to two centuries now in this country? What about the new war against anyone who is Muslim?  Fear mongering with the words "...hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day."  The only place that I see this happening is within their organization. I suspect that what this and other groups are truly afraid of is not having the upper hand and privilege they have enjoyed for centuries.

What's the common ground here? Is there one? On the surface yes. All of these groups want the same thing - a better future for our children just as the GLBT community wants. The difference is we want this without tearing down or restricting the rights of others. If you really want me to believe that a group does good work it won't include as part of their mission the exclusion of entire segments of our population because that segment is deemed a hindrance to "their" way of life and vision of how things should be. Because the truth is you can still promote family and help the underprivileged without denying others the same rights you enjoy.

One final thought for the Facebook Friend: I'm really trying to understand how as a woman you don't see the irony here. It was less than a century ago that women won their fight for the right to vote in this country. And that  women were considered nothing more than property - women were passed from their fathers to their soon-to-be husbands with a walk down the aisle. If you're not willing to give up those hard won rights how can you expect us to give up the fight for ours?

(Part 3 to follow shortly.)

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