Thursday, July 1, 2010

Survey says...

As a follow up to my last blog post, I have a confession to make.  I never finished my undergrad degree.  The reason I bring this up is that on over half of the surveys I've taken, they inevitably ask what level of education I've achieved.  This annoys me in that my choices are: never attended college, some college, graduated with and undergraduate degree, post graduate studies and graduate degree.  It's the words "some college" that sticks in my craw.

Which best describes your highest level of education?
Less than high school
Some high school
High school graduate
Some college
College graduate
Some postgraduate work
Postgraduate degree
Prefer not to answer  

"Some college."  That gives no distinction between the person who has withdrawn during their first term and the person who only has six credit hours to complete.  I, embarrassingly, fall into the latter category.  "What?!?  How is that possible?" you ask.  Well, there are several reasons.  The foremost is that the lack of funds is the primary reason for the elusive sheepskin.  Busy life (three year old at home and full time job) comes in a close second.  All these are reasons/excuses that aren't entirely insurmountable, but damn if I can figure out how to make it all work.  Maybe the key is just to do it without thinking about it.  If it works, it works.   If not, then I'll be exactly where I am now, just poorer. 

The fact that I will have to do a journalism internship is also a major, MAJOR issue for me.  How do I work to pay bills and do an internship at the same time?  Will I be the world's oldest intern?  Will anyplace even offer me one?   I realize that it's not legal for anyplace to ask my age, but I'm pretty sure that they can get a figure in the ballpark once they get a hold of my transcripts.  Hell, even in the interview they'll get a pretty good idea that I'm not a typical dewy skinned college student.  And no amount of Grecian Formula (is that even manufactured any more?) will cover all the gray on my head. 

But, the first step has already been taken.  I've found out that all I need to do is apply for re-enrollment.  I've already was accepted for graduation during my last stint at BSU.  The next step is figuring out how to pay for it.  Hopefully I'll be able to find some sort of financial aid to help.  I've just paid off my original student loans last spring and I guess I can borrow again.  At my age, it'll be a race to see if I can pay one off before retirement!

Someone asked me if I intended to walk commencement.  Um, hell yes I do!  After all this time, I think my friends and family will insist on seeing me on stage.  If nothing else, just for the proof that I finally got my degree.  Robbie says we will have a big party.   At the rate I've gone with my college career, we can combine that party with my retirement party!


Anonymous said...

Did you get my last comment? I seem to be having a bit of trouble with this. I just wanted to encourge you to go for it! If I can do it so can you. You just work it into your routine. I can always make excuses about not having time for just about anything. But, it is important, and this is important to you, you will fit it in. I know you can do it. :)

James Shue said...

Thanks Linda! You're right about everything you've said here. And, sorry I've not responded sooner... no excuse is worth responding with.

As for you question, I haven't found any comments that haven't been approved so my guess is there are still floating out there somewhere in the binary cloud.